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Planning A Trip - Bhaktapur-Namaste Bhaktapur.Com        

Madhyapur Thimi

If you’re short on time, using a taxi can be the best alternative. A cab ride to Madhyapur Thimi  takes around thirty minutes and costs around NRS 400-500 (to and from) on an ordinary day, though fees rise during festivals and festivities. However, nothing beats taking the bus. The sights and sounds of people dressed in traditional garb prepare you for a completely different experience. Buses leave from the old bus station and arrive in Madhyapur Thimi  in about 35 minutes through old route call Purano Bato stopped at Bahakha Bazar.And through Arniko Highway call as Naya Bato stopped at Sankhadhar Chock,  As you get off at the Madhyapur Thimi  bus stop, a statue of the local hero, Shankhadhar Sakhwa greets you from where your start you journey uphill.


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