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Bhaktapur Place of devotees Bhaktapur (Nepali: भक्तपुर Bhaktapur About this sound Listen ), literally translates to Place of devotees. Also known as Bhadgaon or Khwapa (Newar: ख्वप Khwapa), it is an ancient Newar city in the east corner of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, about 8 miles (13 km) from the capital city, Kathmandu. #BHAKTAPURCITY
Buses for Nagarkot (Rs 50, one hour) leave regularly from the northeastern corner of the city known as Kamalbinyak. Buses to Changu Narayan (Rs 20, 30 minutes) leave every 30 minutes or so from the northern junction with the Changu Narayan road and direct from Purano Buspark Ratna Park) too. For Dhulikhel you’ll have to walk 10 minutes down to the Arniko Highway (via Potters’ Square) Suryabinayak and catch a (probably packed) through bus from Kathmandu. #BHAKTAPURNAGARKOT
Gyampe Danda, Ranikot along with Changu and Nagarkot Best Place for Nature ,Wildlife along with High hills located surrounding Bhaktapur. Sight- Seeking, Hiking, Mountain Biking, Cycling and walking feels adventurous in woods best Place Around Bhaktapur. #NAMASTEBHAKTAPUR